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Purification Program


This is a 3 week purification plan, designed to help jump start a normal eater into a path for wellness. This is not a juicing cleanse. It involves supplements and shakes incorporated with whole foods and real meals. If you tried simple diet modifications and exercise, but feel sluggish and achy by the end of the day, this program may help you feel energized and renewed.


Who should consider this program?


You have a healthy relationship with food, but know you could fuel your body better. You feel fatigued, stressed, have difficulty focusing, and struggle to recover from even a simple cold. You have implemented dietary changes but do not feel the improvement you would expect from your lifestyle changes. You want to detoxify your body from the build up of external toxins (caffeine, pesticides, preservatives) and internal toxins (free radicals).


What is included in the package?


Once you sign up, you will receive instructions on how to start preparing for the program by weaning yourself off certain foods and external toxins in your diet. A package will be mailed to you including the supplements and shakes. You will then have a 30 minute session to go over the instructions to begin the program. A simple but detailed instruction sheet will be emailed to you with your daily regimen and meal recipes. After your three weeks of purifying your body, you will have another 30 minute session to discuss your transition back to normal eating. This is important to review how you feel and what changes you keep moving forward.Will I lose weight?If you are not at your natural weight, this program is a great way to help your weight settle. If you are at a healthy weight, the goal is maintenance with major improvements in your quality of life.


What if I have questions during the three week program?


All questions will be addressed in a timely manner via email unless a session is requested.


I am interested, what next?


Sign up and complete payment on the Nutrition Services page. Once completed, I will email you to get started. I look forward to helping you feel energized and refreshed.



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