Aaron J. Wiggins
Feel Better....Look Better....Be Comfortable In YOUR OWN SKIN!!!
Here are a list of option for getting your mind, body and soul in the
state that wil leave you feeling Awesome but keep you in great health!
1 - On - 1 Personal Training
Take your fitness goals and objectives straight to the man himself and get personal with attackig those hard to conquer areas. Whole-heartely invest yourself in your health with a consistent workout regimen tailor fit for your needs, your desires, your goals and your abilities.
Sessions are offered for both indoor and outdoor individual personal training experiences and are given with the flexibility of at Fit for Life Personal Training Studio- 3 Greenwood Place Pikesville, MD. 21208.
Offered in 60 min Sessions Mon- Frid , Sat. 6pm-8pm & Sun 8am-6pm.
60 Minute Sessions
45 Min. (restricted for existing clients)
*Ask for details on gym usage
Semi-Private Personal Training (2-3 indiv.)
Do you work great in teams? These sessions are arranged to include an encouraging workout partner who shares the same interest and goals with the companionship and commrodary of 1 or 2 other exercisers. Your consistent regimen is set up to incompass the growth points and different aspects of fitness that meet the small groups common goal.
Sessions are offered for both indoor and outdoor semi-private personal training experiences and are given with the flexibility of a neutral site or preferred gym. Assessments are done individual first and then partnered with potential workout team.
Offered in 60 minute sessions only.
60 Minute Sessions